Baby Driver - The genius of escape: the video by Edgar Wright who inspired the film with Ansel Elgort and Lily James

Edgar Wright tells us about the particular genesis of Baby Driver, an ironic crime thriller to the rhythm of songs.

Baby Driver - The genius of escape: the video by Edgar Wright who inspired the film with Ansel Elgort and Lily James

Baby Driver - The genius of the escape of Edgar Wright tells of Baby (Elgort), who suffers from tinnitus , "getaway driver", that is, the man dedicated to driving during the robberies . His style behind the wheel follows the rhythm of the songs he has on his headphones in his playlist, to cover up his problem. Nominated for an Oscar for editing, sound mixing and sound editing, the film proved to be a great success, so it is interesting to know, in an excerpt from an interview with the director on The Guardian, how he was born. Be careful, because after the words we have avery interesting video .

I've been thinking about it for 22 years. [...] Between Spaced and Dawn of the Dead I made a music video for Mint Royale, Blue Song . I had no ideas and so I fished from the opening scene that I had already planned for Baby Driver, with singer Noel Fielding as getaway driver. I liked how the video came, but I was also angry at myself for wasting this great idea. In the end, however, he helped me, because years later I already had a test. [...] In 2010 I go to a festival with JJ Abrams , they project my Mint Royale video. As he goes, JJ turns to me and says, "This would be a good movie ." I reply: "Trust me, I was already there".

If you've seen the video above, you've also realized that Baby Driver is a lot more dynamic. But how do you work with stuntmen on such a film? Wright explains it in another interview with Slashfilm.

There were people who had worked on the pursuits of Matrix Reloaded, Bourne Supremacy, Drive, John Wick, Mission: Impossible and Fast and Furious . It was great to have department heads who had done a lot of scenes like that, to work with them to put something original in it, to distinguish it from the other films with chases. "We have to do everything to the rhythm of music ." [...] Then it saves you money, I hope the film will seem more expensive than it has been. Because we modeled it on songs , there is nothing too much. We didn't shoot with type 14 cameras at the same time, we knew exactly what the stunts were, because a song will never get longer than it is!


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