The Immortal: in the film, the incredible true story of an outlaw with a soul

Jean Reno is the absolute protagonist of The Immortal, a film that tells the journey between death and rebirth.

The Immortal: in the film, the incredible true story of an outlaw with a soul

Reality and fiction have always chased each other in the cinema, a ballet that is sometimes linear, others unlikely. After all, as they say, reality often exceeds fiction , and in order to write " based on a true story " many producers would make fake cards.
We think of a 2010 film, entitled The Immortal and directed by Richard Berry , that if it had been born from the imaginative mind of a screenwriter it would have been considered unlikely. Instead no, instead it is really inspired by a true story .

The immortal, when reality overcomes fiction
The is in fact the adaptation of a novel by Franz-Olivier Giesbert , a Franco-American journalist and writer, whose best known book in our part is the amusing Himmler's cook , published by Rizzoli. Giesbert in 2007 was inspired by the true story of Jacky Imbert , one of the greatest exponents of the Marseilles mafia, a real local godfather, who was unlikely to survive a brutal attack in a Marseille car park in 1977.

In the film, the protagonist became Charly Mattei ( Jean Reno), a man who has definitely turned the page on a previous life as an outlaw. He has lived for three years away from crime, peacefully and consecrated to his wife and two children.
Despite this, on a winter's morning he is given up for dead in the parking lot of the old port of Marseille, with a body of 22 bullets in his body . Against all hope and likelihood, he does not die , but awakens in the midst of the Marseille atmosphere, the usual French scenario for crime stories.

Coming out of the hospital, Mattei has the nasty surprise that his ex-son Tony Zacchia ( Kad Merad ) is behind his attempted murder , but decides that, in honor of his choice not to commit a crime anymore, not to seek revenge. At least until they kill a friend of his, to convince him to leave Marseille. A role will also play the young police inspector Marie Goldman , played by Marina Fois .

At that point L'immortale becomes one of the many revenge stories told by French genre cinema in recent years. A story, with a budget of 18 million dollars, with all the characteristics of the EuropaCorp brand and its founder and mentor, Luc Besson . 2 million and 30 thousand spectators have seen the film in cinemas all over the world, half of which at home.

Jean Reno naturally became famous for Leon , directed by Besson , and his Mattei in the film The Immortal has in common with that character the habit of "not touching women or children".


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